Friday, March 2, 2012

What lies out there no one know/ The tide can bring in anything/ So steady as she goes

Love is a scary thing.
A really really terrifying thing.
You attach yourself on to one person so much that pretty soon, everything revolves around them, and you can't imagine what life is without them anymore.
And then there's the realization that this may not last as long as you want it to,
And it's miserable.
But then there's also the immense joy that the person can bring you, and you remember all the good times that you've have together, and you try to hold on to that and cling to it with all you have.
But what if it's not enough?

But then, what if it is?

God makes everything happen for a reason, and I believe that with all of my being.
But gosh, it would be so nice if it didn't have to be such a roller coaster.

Still, whatever happens, it's for the best. And I know I'm happy right now (really, I am!), and I also know that it may not last, and the thought of that literally makes me feel as if someone is punching me on the left side of my chest. But everything happens for a reason!

Love is a scary thing. But you know what? I'm in. And I'm trusting God to take this wherever it's supposed to go. And we'll just have to see where that it!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Burst Apart

Picked up by Ken. Beach cleanup at Dana Point: cigarette butts, lobster traps, styrofoam pieces, dead bird, conversations and walking. Lake Forrest to visit the Tewell family: grandma, uncle, aunt, and cousins. Ken's house to write the community service essay and try not to fall asleep. Picked up Kim and Norman for Fuji's. Super big bowl with avocado and bacon. Drive to Pomona. Kinda got lost from my terrible directions. Glasshouse in Pomona. The Antlers. Amazingness. Dropped everyone off. 7-11 for a glazed donut. Dropped off at home.

I spent 17 hours with that boy and I enjoyed every single moment of it. It's kind of surreal but terrific at the same time.

It's been a truly wonderful day, I don't think I'll ever forget it

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ken met my parents today. It went really well, I was super impressed by him!

It's so weird for me to do something like this. My entire life I've been totally shut off from having any kind of relationship with anyone. Partly because I have a problem with commitment and partly because I just haven't ever found anyone I actually really liked before. Forreals like that is, because I've had tons of crushes. And now all of a sudden it's like WHOOOSH! Hi mom and dad, I'm bringing home a boy, just to let you know!

He's been wanting to meet them for forever too. He always talked about it, and had been telling me for the past week that he's asking for advice on what to do meeting my parents. And although I might sound like a little middle school girl, I think it's so incredibly endearing! It's so sweet, and he was so great and has been analyzing everything that happened and I'm just in awe of how awesome he is and how much I really do like him. Me! What the crap is going on!

But I like it. A lot. And am so happy and appreciative of everything in my life, and I don't know what's going to happen in the future, or how we're going to do things, but right now. Right now, it's wonderful

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today was fantastic

Sometimes I try to come up with a funny or clever title, or just write in what I ate for dinner that night, but today was just awesome.

AP English test in the morning. Fuji's w/ Ken. Home to watch some Modern Family. Back to school for Bingo setup AP Govt study session w/ Ken. Home again to eat dinner. Band and Orchestra Spring Showcase w/ Kelly. Met the Tewells and had a lovely conversation. Home. Watched Easy to Wed on TCM channel with my mom and laughed and was in awe of the lady owning the piano like it was no one's business and smiling the whole time. It was ridiculously amazing!

Long day, goodnight!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Simple Life by Philip Selway

It's been a good Easter Sunday:

Sunrise service, seeing a coyote, playing frisbee, tossing Cheerios into our mouths, climbing the mountain, nap, church, solo, random goodness of food for the potluck, home, learning and playing If I Die Young, nap, Gma's house, watching and making fun of The Hills, steak and lettuce and rice and mangos, jamming a bit with Thien, Kpop, Portlandia, weird ankle massager that's really not a massager machine, random apple pie, home, running, contemplating, exhaustion, awesomeness

I think I'll be sleeping early tonight, gotta wake up at a decent hour for school tomorrow and choir practice. I'm gonna suck so bad. My fault!

Being happy is wonderful, people should try it more often!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses

Easter Break part II:

Friday: Jam session at Ken's house. Charles Darwin, Strange Things Will Happen, Swallowed in the Sea. The King's College meeting at Starbucks. More Modern Family. Good Friday service. Piano-ing and singing.

Saturday: Homework. Costco with Mai Linh. Homework/washing the car/eating popcorn. Pho. The King's Speech with Ken. Yogurt Passion. Home and bed.

The King's Speech was so awesome, no wonder why he loves it so much! Now it's my turn to deliver with The Social Network. I laughed like a fool throughout the entire movie, it was fantastic!

I've been obsessed with If I Die Young by The Band Perry all day today. It's such a pretty song, I love it. Country music is pretty awesome, I don't care what all the haters say!

I'm happy. I wish I could have talked all night, that would have been wonderful. Summer!

Time to wake up early for the sunrise service tomorrow.

Buenas noches!

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.