Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas decorations

Such a good show! Watched the entire first season and 5 episodes from the second season yesterday. More than 10 hours of TV. What a productive day!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Raw turkey

So I walked into my house around 5 pm, after seeing Eagle Eye with Mary, and had a stack of mail in my hand. Flipping through a few advertisements and bills, I made my way to the kitchen, and looked up to see a giant 20 pound naked turkey sitting on the countertop. This immediately brought me back to Masuda days, dissecting a chicken wing in 7th grade, except the turkey was 7 times bigger than the itty bitty little chicken leg. When I grow up and have a family and all that good stuff, I don't think I will be able to cook a turkey. Seeing my dear mother stick her hand into that huge bird to put various vegetables and fruits in it made me want to puke, and I realized that I am a huge wimp! I'm such a disgrace to my culture!

On another note, Eagle Eye was quite good. I had my doubts at the beginning, when I heard that it was kind of scary. Being the huge wimp that I am, I refuse to go scary movies at all, let alone pay to watch one on a huge screen in a dark theater. But I was pleasantly impressed, and really enjoyed it. Sisterly bonding time!

I really am glad that Mary drives now though. Its so nice to just go anywhere you please, anytime (okay, not anytime, but almost). Except she yells at me because I give her the wrong directions. Is it right that because she does not know her way around, she uses me as her personal GPS system, and then is angry at me when I forget to tell her to stay in the left lane and she misses an exit?? I don't think so!!! But I guess I shouldn't be angry, seeing that she does drive me places and doesn't mind, and pays for me often...
Shia Lebouf! Ahh, I remember his Even Steven days...whatta cutie

Alright, breaking out the stretchy pants for tomorrow, I can't wait to see Duy cut the turkey!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Mmmm, I love the rain! I need to get some shoes without any holes in them though, but its worth it!

I went to Mary's Mock Trial competition today, and they are seriously amazing. I wish I could do something like that, but I know that if I was ever to be questioned by the judge or an attorney, I'd start crying from all the pressure. I'm such a baby sometimes! But they really grill you with questions until you're so sick of answering, you just lie and get it over with. So manipulating, but so interesting!

My face is so soft from the exfoliating beads in my face scrub, I love it!

I need to see this movie with my sister, she's obsessed

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Kathy!

My throat is sore from 4 hours at Elvis?! Next time I should bring a water cooler with me, or at least something to quench my thirst. Gummy bears are tasty but they'd be even tastier with some peach ice tea. But Kathy and Andrew singing their hearts out always makes my day! They're so hilarious together, its fantastic

Dreamgirls is a great movie. One of the few movies actually worth paying $8 for. Beyonce does not fail. Does she ever fail? When I was finished watching it, I watched all the best scenes over again, and ended up re-watching pretty much the entire movie. Amazing! I need to buy the soundtrack...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Legally Blonde

Even though its on TV all the time, I never seem to get tired of watching it. Reese Witherspoon plays the part perfectly!

IKEA is officially my new favorite store. Where else can you eat meatballs, watch HGTV, and buy a bed at same place? I want to change up the room that Daisy and I share, but its too small. I'll have to sleep in a bunkbed for the rest of my life...or until Mary moves out. One day....
I saw this and it made me laugh

Friday, November 21, 2008

You. Yes. You.

The football game was quite uneventful. I'm glad I went and got to see some people I haven't seen in a year or two, but the game was just sad! 28-0. And those Orange Lutheran guys were HUGE. Massive. Intimidating. Huge! How do they grow these guys? Seriously, sometimes I wonder if its normal or not....

I know its a Friday night, but I'm tempted to go to bed right now. My eyes just won't stay open for long periods of time anymore. Hopefully it will be cold, but not too much for volleyball practice tomorrow. My low tolerance to cold doesn't help in the early winter mornings! G'night house smells delicous

tired tired tired tired

I should take a nap, but the pasta is calling my name
Hopefully I'll be somewhat awake for the game tonight
Maybe I'll just have Mary punch me in the shoulder every so often....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Potato Yams

The day has come!

I've given into people saying I should make a blog. I don't know how consistent I'll be, but I'll try my hardest...I just have to remember my password!

Ugly Betty was quite good today. I was watching it with my little sis Daisy when my dad walked by and saw Betty in her wonderful ensembles. "She is so colorful!!" my father exclaims, and is entranced the high definition image of Betty in a fantastic rainbow coat. Hilarious!

Listening to the Dreamgirls soundtrack right now. Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson sure are amazing singers! I need to rewatch the movie again. Thanksgiving break!! Thank God, I think we all need vacations.

Ugh, Vietnamese restaurants are so dirty! The food is delicious and all, but the place is usually gross, nonetheless. Did I use that word correctly? Dangit, that reminds, me, I have to study for Penhall's vocab test! Ugh, stupid spelling always messes me up!

P.E.! Besides the sweating and coming to class late part, you have to love P.E. Its the socializing period. And today's workout was crazy! Billy Blank is the coolest guy ever, I wish I could be him when I grow up....

Giovanni! I miss this little guy

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.