Thursday, July 30, 2009
Corn and Beans and Vegetables, Oh My!
Did you know there are corn, radishes, and beans growing around FVHS? Hidden between bushes and plants? EPIC
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Me. Yes. Me.
Aimee Pham. Many people often misspell my name. Amy. Amie. Amiee. Aymie. It gets pretty interesting I have to admit! A game of sorts. The only people not close to me who spell my name right are my cousins in France. Barbara and Valerie. Aimee is apparently the French way of spelling it. Amy is the more American way of spelling it. Amie....well that's just weird. Ha! I kid, I love you Amie Tang!
Many people have nicknames. I've always loved nicknames, but unfortunately, Aimee isn't such a great nickname name. Aim. There are 4 people I know of that call me Aim. One being my mother. The other 3 are all in the same family: Nate, Matt, and Uncle Charlie. Why do they call me this? Who knows? But if I hear someone at work say "Aim," I automatically know it's Nate. So perhaps this is a good thing? Mee. Now what kind of lame nickname is that I ask you! "What's up Mee?" "Hey Mee, how are things?" Yeah, doesn't sound so cute.
You know what's the absolute worst part about having a name that's different? You never find those little license plates or keychains or necklaces with your name on it. When I was a kid, I used to scour the racks of every single tourist shop on vacations, hoping and praying that I would find my name. Now as an older kid, I just quickly scan the racks to pretend like I'm admiring the design of the license plate/keychain/necklace, but secretly search for A I M E E. One day, I found one. I went into PuzzleZoo at South Coast Plaza. I wasn't expecting much, I don't even know why I was in the store, I just gravitated on over to the license plates as was custom. And then suddenly, BOOM! There it was. I think I might have cried our in joy. It was a day to remember. Unfortunately I lost the metal plate a while back, but it's nice to know someone out there was lovely and kind enough to produce an "Aimee" license plate.
The End!
Monday, July 27, 2009
What a feeling!
It's been an interesting week. Let's recap, shall we?
Doughnut holes, walking, hot, Cassie, Lilith, Jameel, CPK for Red Cross, Barnes and Nobles, waking up way too early, sore back and legs, volleyball, win, lose, win, lose, Disneyland, cotton candy, walking, Kenningtons, hot, Hurley Walk the Walk, cigaretter smoke, an ocean of half-naked people, In-N-Out, no sleep, 8 AM game, win, lose, Amy's sliced open ear, hospital, stitches, forfiet, fantastic yogurt, boy's volleyball owned, sore back and legs, hot, popsicles, church, Costco hot dogs, hot, nap!, track and field, Daisy won 2nd place in 1/2 mile, Richard won 2d place in mile, chasing Sylvie, tickling Sylvie, trying to find my shoes which Sylvie hid, tug-o-war, In-N-Out, home, Flashdance, computer
Done! What a jumbled mess of nonsense and adjectives! After many sleep deprived days, I think I might actually sleep in tomorrow morning for the first time in 1 1/2 weeks!
Ahhh, I miss the little munchkin and the little punk. Let's sail on over to Hawaii and visit, anyone in?

Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Dilemma: choice between two equal options
Looking at Joanna's Sonic picture made me craze for late night runs to Sonic in AZ. I miss my Arizona cousins! But seeing Cassie, Lilith, and Jameel almost made up for it. Whatta little punk! Gotta love Phamily!
I remember one night, maybe 5 or 6 years ago when I was watching TV with my dad (during The Lakers' golden years). A Lakers' commercial came on with Kobe and Shaq and some song that I've never heard before. But what caught my attention were the lyrics "why can't we be friends?" One time commercial ~5 years ago, and whenever a situation comes up where people are arguing I always want to start singing why can't we be friends... Granted I only know that one line and the song would come to an abrupt halt after that little sentence, but still! Why can't we be friends? Please? Pretty pretty please? I guess I knew what I should have been in for when I signed up for the part, but.... I guess my expectations were a little too high. Dangit
You shouldn't cry over spilt milk. Unless it's Chuck Norris's milk. Then you're dead.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Poke Her Face
Please excuse the language! It's such a cool music video though
hahaha, I love you Becky!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sports Tournament '09
I'm exhausted and sore and happy and proud and still excited and even more exhuasted

What a wonderful day! I love my team

And now it's 11:06 and I just read a great article in Reader's Digest and ate cold pizza
Oh how I love summer
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's a beautiful day
I love summer. I really really do. Darn those little kids in my neighborhood who always set off firecrackers! Where the heck do they get those things in the middle of July? I mean, I guess you could always stock up for the year during the 4th of July, but is that really practical?
Vacation was nice, chilling with the little cousins I usually never see. I already miss them! Gio telling me his dreams about rockets and jets and Disneyland and flying castles. Matthew standing outside our room at 11:30 opening and closing the door and grinning. Sarah throwing rock hard sandballs. Caleb catching a frog and having it die the next day. Faith with her crazy tan. Rachel with her non-talking ways. I love 'em all
Aladdin. Beauty and the Beast. Aristocats. The Incredibles. Lady and the Tramp. The Little Rascals. Shrek. The Pacifier. The Lion King. All the VHS tapes I watched in 2 1/2 days. Good stuff! Throw in some late night pool competitions, early morning wake-up calls, kayaking, tag, ham and cheese sandwiches, sunburns, and Rite Aid ice cream (Chocolate Malted Crunch anyone?) and you've got yourself a vacation!
Vacation was nice, chilling with the little cousins I usually never see. I already miss them! Gio telling me his dreams about rockets and jets and Disneyland and flying castles. Matthew standing outside our room at 11:30 opening and closing the door and grinning. Sarah throwing rock hard sandballs. Caleb catching a frog and having it die the next day. Faith with her crazy tan. Rachel with her non-talking ways. I love 'em all
Aladdin. Beauty and the Beast. Aristocats. The Incredibles. Lady and the Tramp. The Little Rascals. Shrek. The Pacifier. The Lion King. All the VHS tapes I watched in 2 1/2 days. Good stuff! Throw in some late night pool competitions, early morning wake-up calls, kayaking, tag, ham and cheese sandwiches, sunburns, and Rite Aid ice cream (Chocolate Malted Crunch anyone?) and you've got yourself a vacation!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
....That tonight's gona be a good night
A smattering of pictures that range from 2 days ago to 7 months ago.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Well-placed purple streaks
Goodness gracious, it's been a long couple of days!
Thursday: In the morning we started off with a lovely ASB poster party where I accidentally spilled ink on my hands and legs, painted the ugliest basketball I've ever painted in my life, and burned the bottoms of my feet. Good stuff. Next was volleyball practice with the wonderful crew where I managed to get a v-neck tan and burn my face. Blech. Then some shopping at The Lab where I bought some items from Buffalo and Urban (YES!) and then off to Souplantation for Kathy's going away birthday dinner for the cousins. Kathy had to leave after that, so we headed on over to my house and had a delightful time laughing and quoting lines from Zoolander. Good stuff!

Friday: My parents being the parents they are trekked us on up to Simi Valley, CA to go to the Ronald Reagan Library. It was actually pretty cool! At the Library/Museum, they keep the retired Air Force One, and you get to walk inside the plane and seen where the presidents lived during their flights and all that wonderful stuff. I'll never admit it to my parents, but I love museums, they're fascinating and so interesting! After beating rush hour traffic, we had a BBQ in the backyard grilling turkey and mahi-mahi burgers. yeah, I know, not real burgers, but hey, that's my mother, and they were delicious! Then Definitely, Maybe with the Dais-ter.

Saturday: 4th of July!! Went bike riding with my mom and sisters around Mile Square and saw a bajillion people. Everywhere you look, you see volleyball nets and little kids running around like savages. It's terrific! And you can't escape the smell of BBQ. I think I might have drooled the entire time we were riding, the smell doesn't leave you! Next was dinner at the Davis', a little fried chicken an mashed potato action. Yum! Afterwards, JoLiza, Joseph, Branden, Mary, Daisy, and I walked over to Downtown Disney and scouted the place out a bit. Boy was it packed. We sat down in the space between the 2 parks to watch the fireworks, but it was a disappointment. Only 6 minutes of fireworks! We're in a recession! hahaha, I love Khue! Good company and good embarrassing stories though!

mmmmm, American flag cake is so good!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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About Me
- Aimee Pham
- A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.