Monday, September 28, 2009

Photo shout out to Kha!
I stole it from him
But it was so pretty, I couldn't resist

Friday, September 25, 2009

We are not who you think we are, we are golden

I am a traitor
I have succumbed to the prettiness of Tumblr
It's just so darn easy!
And lovely!
I won't put the same stuff on both
No worries
But I think I'll be puttin' up more pictures on Tumblr
It's wayyy easier...and cooler!

I've been watching Glee, and I have a question:
"Is this show really as good as I think it is?"
And I have a comment:
hahahaha! I love Mr. Demitri Martin
He's a bundle of laughs I tell ya

I made myself a massive glass of chocolate milk
It was pretty good, but I think I've had my calcium fix for the week
Nesquick chocolate milk powder is pretty good
But Nesquick chocolate milk in the bottle is BOMB
It's like a portable milkshake
Delicious delicious delicious

My mom bought some Organic Vanilla Soy Milk at Costco
Its pretty tasty, almost as good as chocolate soy milk
Well I was drinking some in my room and didn't finish all of it
I forgot to put the cup away because I was busy
It was there for a day
And when I remembered and went to wash the cup
The soy milk had condensed
And it was solid-custard like

Glee has been awesome awesome awesome
I recommend everyone watch
Wednesday's episode was fantastic
I think Daisy almost cried from laughing so hard
Good stuff!

The new Mika album is pretty good!
I think I still like the first the best
But this one is just as catchy
"We are Golden" and "Blame it on the Girls" are my favorites!
And the album artwork is crazy looking and terrific

This is what happens when I don't blog for awhile
It starts getting all nonsensical and long
I like that word, nonsensical
It's quite a pretty word
But it also sounds kind of mysterious
Okay, no I'm just talking crazy
I think I need some sleep
No, I know I need sleep
Sleep sleep sleep

Okay, that's enough
I've gots stuff to do
I miss being lazy and doing nothing

Thank God it's Friday!

Oops, I talked about Glee twice at two different parts
My bad!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Owl City Album!

Today I saw The Proposal
Ryan Renolds is gorgeous

The End

Monday, September 14, 2009

In-N-Out ftw!

I miss the days
When I came home from school
and ate string cheese
and did homework
and Myspaced it up
and blogged
and went to sleep.

I was reading some of my old blogs...and I've come to the conclusion that I'm a bit nuts
Just a tad
A little smidgen
A teensy tiny bit
Just a little

Monday, September 7, 2009

Going Greek

This year's gonna be a doozy
But let's just make it happen
Positive attitude and all that rainbow sunshine stuff!

I missed Kathy, and I'll miss her even more knowing that she won't be coming back. Sure it's only San Diego, not crazy far, but just not having her here.... She's the one who taught me everything! The one who opened my eyes to the wonderful world of music, clothing, Buffalo Exchange, Urban Outfitters, Thai food, Rockharbor, Alerto's, Chipotle, LA, sales, window shopping, and cheap movie theaters. She made me experience new things; try new foods, new places, new books and movies. Oh man...but she's out there doing awesome things in San Diego, so all the best cousin!

Never Been Kissed! Such a cute, funny, sad, mildly disturbing movie...
And I couldn't help myself from staring the entire time...=D

I've been so busy it's crazy
I'm not used to it yet, I don't know if I will be
But I'm also loving it
I like my classes (for the most part!)
I just need to learn how to prioritize
Stay grounded
I was talking to Alan about it for a tad bit at the dance, and he said it's possible...and I'm going to go with him on that
So ladies and gentlemen...
Let's make it a good year, shall we?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hot Rod!

May I recommend the movie Hot Rod? Because I'm getting tired of no one having watched it! Except the Phamily...and Roger...and Tanner. I have a guy's sense of humor. Yes, the movie is quite stupid and juvenile...but Andy Samburg is in it! And every other line is quotable, it's fantastic!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's a new year. Let's make the most of it, shall we? I've got a good feeling about this year. I honestly do.

This summer was fantastical. Superb. Just lovely. I made some new friends. Re-newed some friendships. Saw some old friends. Learned some things. Forgot some other things. Watched a gazillion movies. Used up all my money buying clothes. Procrastinated. Ate some awesome food. Had many interesting conversations. Bummed it out with the Phamily. Watched Glee 5 times. Had a short infatuation with Enrique Iglesias. Had a love affair with Barnes and Nobles. Watched way too much TV. Set a base for a future in skin cancer. Stayed up late and woke up early. Just lovely!

"Cause when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do..."
I'm in love with this song, it's been on repeat for the last couple of hours

Mean Girls + Funfetti cake = a great way to end summer =D

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.