Monday, December 22, 2008

Good 'ol Days

Ugh, work tomorrow. I know I should be thankful I have a job and make money, but I honestly cannot stand sitting at a desk all day and typing things out on the computer, or filing papers til my fingers are covered in band-aids from paper cuts. How does my mom do it every single day?

Today I was cleaning up my mess of a room with my little sister, when I stumbled across an old journal, year 2005. It goes a little something like this...

October 22, 2005
Today I walked home in the rain. It was very, very cold. I was very wet when I got home.

hahaha, Very introspective, huh?


monica said...

HAHA it's okay aimee
sometimes i talk about the food i eat
it goes like this:

wednesday, december 22, 2008
dear god,
thank you for everything you've done for me today

thank you especially for the food.
i ate a sandwich with SWEET POTATO FRIES, black tea, viet udon soup... haha you get the point

that's when i get really lazy to write : )

you have a job?

monica said...

oops, not wednesday, MONDAY

tiffany le said...

okay at least you wrote in your journals
i would just buy them because they looked cute
but i never wrote anything

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.