Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aerobics is good for you!

hahaha, Everyday when I come home from school, I'm usually complaining from the lovely workouts that we do in 3rd period P.E. From running miles on end to kick-boxing with the heater turned on in the wrestling room, it's truly a kick in the butt. After seeing me sore from 8 Minute Abs and Billy Blank's Tae Bo, Daisy finally decided that she wanted to see what all the nonsense was about. So after dinner, I set to work Youtubing various wonderful exercise tapes. Success! At the beginning, Daisy was quite smug and confident about her physique. Thinking these exercises were going to be a piece of cake, she set to work on her abs. 3 minutes later she was exhausted and way lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. Okay, maybe not a pool, but she was sweating! Ha! Take that Daisy!


monica said...

lol dood you and your sister go on youtube waaaaay to much
do you guys still look up how to do different syling with scarves?
: )

tiffany le said...

haaaaaahahahah bravo daisy

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.