Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Skinny Cow Ice Cream

I've been scratching like crazy the past few days. Stupid grass and volleyball! My legs look quite strange; they're tannish but have these long nail marks on the side of them from excessive scratching and then weird marks pressed into my skin because I sat on my chair abnormally. Can you just imagine it? Actually it probably shouldn't be imagined, because some things should be kept from the imagination...

My sister says I exaggerate a lot. I can't say I don't agree.

Many things have occurred in the past week or so that are lost in Blogspot, but I'll just mention the most important thing: Phil Wickham. Wonderful, fantastic, marvelous, great, loud, terrific, are just a few adjectives that come to mind. And oh yeah: Awesome. There's another one! Hooray for concerts!

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About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.