Monday, December 20, 2010

Late night thinking sessions

I like this blog, it's nice to look back on

I'm feeling really self-conscious now
And it sucks, because I didn't before
A part of me wishes to be in a relationship and have a boy and all that good stuff
But at the same time, I'm really glad I don't so I don't have to feel like this all the time
Because this feeling just sucks
Stupid boys

On another note though, I love my ASB!
I loved last year and had an amazing time with tons of memories
But this year is different
The whole dynamic and feel to the group is different
And I absolutely love it
I'm so proud and honored to be apart of this group
I've met so many amazing people
And that's what I love most about ASB!
You get to meet these people you've passed everyday in the halls
And you formed your opinions on them from what you've seen and heard
And then you talk to them, slave over posters with them, go on car rides with them
And realize that you were completely wrong
And the person becomes one of your closest friends
And it's wonderful!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

My eyeballs are exhausted

We need to write a children's book in Spanish
I think I have an idea for one:

It'll be about a peanut
Who lives on a farm
On the farm lives a whole bunch of nuts
Walnuts, almonds, cashews: the works
And his whole life, the peanut thinks that he belongs
Because he's a nut, just like everyone else
But one day, the peanut gets made fun of
And he finds out that he's not really a nut at all
But actually part of the legume family
He's devastated, but then learns that his uniqueness makes him special
And he saves the day at the farm with his special legume skills
And all the nuts who used to make fun of him now love him
And he lives happily ever after

Quite the story, huh! Granted, I don't know how that would translate in Spanish, but hey, I'll give it a shot!


Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm happy, don't get me wrong
But I there's a part of me that wish this whole thing never happened
That I never made it on exec
So that I wouldn't have to hear of the frustration, the bitterness, the sadness, the negativity that seems to be oozing out of every single corner
So that I wouldn't have to see my closest friends cry, to see them get mad at me, to see them contemplate on how one rejection characterizes them as someone they're not
So that I wouldn't have to deal with all this crap getting thrown at my face

But it's done, it's set and stone and ready to go
So I guess I have to be okay with it
Or at least pretend to be okay with it
Because someone has to be strong and maintain a positive attitude
Someone's gotta do it
And although I don't feel like it right now, I'll do it

Someone's gotta do it

It just breaks my heart to have people I know and love angry and depressed
It makes me angry and depressed to see them like that
It's not fair, it's not right, it's shouldn't be that way

I always tried to keep ASB and friends separate
So things would have been able to stay the way they were
So it didn't get personal

I wish people didn't care as much
So the hurt wouldn't be so severe
So that everything would be just fine and dandy

Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I'm happy but feel like I shouldn't be happy when people I know and love are sitting and crying because they're worked so hard just to have their accomplishments taken right out of their hands and thrown to the ground

But I'm so thankful!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people around rooting for me, encouraging me, being there for me. So so incredibly blessed!

I know I've said it a hundred times already, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Thank you Mary and Dais for waking up early and putting posters up with me

Thank you Chris for yelling at random kids to vote for me and handing out flyers like there was no tomorrow

Thank you Brandon T for making me go around and talk to people during lunch

Thank you to my ASB family for rooting for me

Thank you Mai Linh for being the most amazing friend and writing that amazing speech

Thank you Jessica and Becky for coming early and helping me put up posters and handing out flyers

Thank you to everyone who wore the shirts Dais and I slaved over

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

From the bottom of my heart

Okay, I need to study Precalc so I don't fail the test. Again. And I promised Anna I'd try hard!

Wow, I'm tired. Thank the Lord tomorrow's Friday!

Sweet Dreams

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Caaaaaannnnn, anybody

Where the heck did March go?
I could've sworn it just started
This week is gonna be nuts
Every week has been nuts
Next week will be chill
Next next week will be absolutely ridiculous

Can anyone come up with a catchy slogan for me?

Hip hip hoorayyyyy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Long > Short

I wish people wore long dresses to prom here
Long dresses are so pretty
I'd want to wear a long dress if I went to prom
Gosh, I should stop basing school dances dresses off the gorgeous Academy Awards dresses!
Ahhh, such beautiful dresses
And did you see Sam Worthington from Avatar presenting in his glasses?
Hotness oozing out of him!
Guys with glasses and suits = pretty

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wow, my stomach growls quite noisily

It's almost March!
In about 6 minutes from right now
March is a crazy month, I don't think I'm ready for it
Homework to be done and posters to be made and elections to be prepared
And mac and cheese still to be made!
I haven't given up on my new year's goal to make homemade mac and cheese yet
Still got me some time, still got me some time

Okay, now to study for some dreaded physics...
Oh how I detest physics
Physics sucks

2 minutes til March!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The raindrops keep falling on my head

Wait....can this be?
Is this real?
Is this really happening?
I think I actually understand math!
Oh happy day!
Let's celebrate!
By doing more practice problems!
Hip Hip Hooray!

My goodness, that was a lot of exclamation points!

It's amazing how Samoa Girl Scout cookies wake me up right when I'm about to fall alseep
I swear, they put drugs in those cookies, they're so delicious

Monday, February 22, 2010

Potato Month

b a l a n c e
Why is it that I can't seem to balance anything?
I don't have a lot on my plate compared to some people,
to most people
But I just can't seem to do what I have to do
I need to wait until my mom steps in and makes me cry to actually get important stuff done

I need one!
I read a truly inspiring story today about a guy whose name I can't spell right, but it made me stop and assess myself for a moment.
What have I done? I mean, really truly done. To better myself, the people around me, the people I love. I can't really think of anything, anything at all. Sometimes I get these bursts of motivations and stamina and I work hard and try and feel accomplished. And then those die out after a few days, and I'm back to where I started. Know what the sad thing is? Most of the time I spend wasting on the computer looking at clothes. Clothes!
Goodness, I love clothes. I want to make a living out of it, but it's not practical, it's not what the good kids do. I think my family would support me if I tried it out, was passionate about it and really wanted to succeed.
But I don't feel passionate enough about anything
I'm just too worried
Worried about the craziest little details!
About this and that and him and her and you and I and them and....did I leave out any pronouns?
Ay yay yay
I think that I will honestly start trying now, and just letting go of all these insane thoughts sprinting around in my brain

Goodnight, sleep tight

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

That was some delectable pasta

I've never been one of those people to spill out everything to everybody. I keep things to myself and don't even say everything to my close friends or cousin. Not because I'm hiding anything, not because I don't want to tell them exactly, but because I feel like so many other people spill out all their guts, that it's not really necessary for me to go all out. Does this even make any sense?

I like Tumblr, but I can't get myself to post anything serious on it
Blogspot baby!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Words of wisdom

"Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
-Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

BBQ Chips ftw

Hello Blogspot!
How are you today?
I'm quite well, thank you.
My fingers are a bit frozen but all is well

Finals are this week!
Hip hip hooray!
Yeah, no.
Epic fail!
Ahhh, well, here goes nothing

Okay, have a wonderful day

About Me

My photo
A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.