Wednesday, February 10, 2010

That was some delectable pasta

I've never been one of those people to spill out everything to everybody. I keep things to myself and don't even say everything to my close friends or cousin. Not because I'm hiding anything, not because I don't want to tell them exactly, but because I feel like so many other people spill out all their guts, that it's not really necessary for me to go all out. Does this even make any sense?

I like Tumblr, but I can't get myself to post anything serious on it
Blogspot baby!


joanna pham said...

blogspot ftw! haha i use tumblr for pictures and little stories. i use blogspot for general blogging :)
i think it's cause blogspot seems more of a legit blog, rather than like, a bunch of networking and pictures and pop-ness.

beckyphan(: said...

AIMEE! omg i went back to blogspot to see if i had deleted it but i didn't and then i saw that you recently wrote some posts! and if you ever need motivation, i'm here to drive in the fear :| seriously. & i missed you at lunch today! & i love that you don't spill your guts because spilling guts is a-not-ok.
and we have not had any real talking time for the L-O-N-G-E-S-T time. so soon! we need a big talk(:

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.