But I'm so thankful!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people around rooting for me, encouraging me, being there for me. So so incredibly blessed!
I know I've said it a hundred times already, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Thank you Mary and Dais for waking up early and putting posters up with me
Thank you Chris for yelling at random kids to vote for me and handing out flyers like there was no tomorrow
Thank you Brandon T for making me go around and talk to people during lunch
Thank you to my ASB family for rooting for me
Thank you Mai Linh for being the most amazing friend and writing that amazing speech
Thank you Jessica and Becky for coming early and helping me put up posters and handing out flyers
Thank you to everyone who wore the shirts Dais and I slaved over
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
From the bottom of my heart
Okay, I need to study Precalc so I don't fail the test. Again. And I promised Anna I'd try hard!
Wow, I'm tired. Thank the Lord tomorrow's Friday!
Sweet Dreams
<3 i love you!
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