Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Ugh, some people are so mean. It gets me every time.
I hear the dramatic music from Iron Chef playing in my mom's room, and I'll make this quick so I can go over there to see what the secret ingredient is

Finally saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today with Justine, Andy, and Chad. It was pretty good. A little long, but staring up at Brad Pitt wasn't so bad! I recommend it to everyone who doesn't mind sitting through long movies
Burn Notice is fantastic. So so good. I think I could watch it all day. And watching Jeffrey Donovan all day doesn't sound so bad...

Friday, February 27, 2009


Whatta day! Hung out with Monica, Mai Linh, and Angelina today. Walked to my house and then to the Costco shopping plaza. I ate my very first terriyaki chicken sandwich today at Subway and then a couple of large bites out of Monica's chicken bake. Equally delicious. Walked home singing old school songs as best as we could. Attempted to Waveboard. Broke out the rollerblades that haven't seen sunshine in about 4 years. Dinner with the Phamily. Lakers game. Lakers lost. Watched Australia with my mom. My mom fell asleep 20 minutes into the movie. I watched by myself for the rest of the 3 hour movie(!).
Exhausting, but fun. I have to say, this is the most productive Friday I have ever had in a long time. And I learned an important lesson today: Sweet Onion sauce at Subway is AMAZING!
Hugh Jackman is quite the looker

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk

Surprisingly enough, I actually had a good time at the Hurley Walk the Walk show. Even though the line was ridiculously long, I didn't get my free shirt, it was so loud my insides were pounding, and it was so claustrophobic it was hard to breathe, it was interesting. And quite a number of celebrities! Bar Rafaeli, Taboo (from the Black Eyed Peas), Benji and Joel Madden, Robert Buckley (!!!), and Bob Hurley and his son, whatshisname. Maybe not the best seat in the house, but it was cool to stare at the back of their heads. And I envy all those tall folks out there. I had this feeling that I was shrinking and everyone was just getting taller and taller. But FVHS did win $5,000 bucks and the contest, so that was pretty nifty. This wasn't this year's poster, but it looks cool anyways!

Monday, February 23, 2009


One of the very very few times I haven't procrastinated on my schoolwork. Euro homework that is due on Wednesday? Finished. How about some math? Done. Chemistry? Completed with a due date still to be given. Mission accomplished!

It was one of those reminiscing days. One of those, "I remember when..."
  1. I fell off the porch at my old house and almost cracked my head open
  2. When Daisy threw up on me
  3. When Faith threw up on me
  4. When Adrien threw up on me
  5. When Mary scared me so bad I almost peed in my pants
  6. Stealing socks from my mom's drawer and filling them with sand with the neighborhood kids when I lived in Diamond Bar
  7. The wild cats having to have babies underneath the porch at my old house
  8. Playing Indians with the cousins
  9. Watching Matlock and I Love Lucy during the summer with my sisters and dad eating mac and cheese
  10. The eccentric old lady who lived across the street at the house in Diamond Bar who had about 100 dolls in her house

Goods times, good times. Some interesting childhood memories, that's for sure. I used to resent moving about and changing locations, but I've finally come to enjoy everything about it. Lots of interesting people and interesting stories

hahaha, I've been listening to Disney songs the entire day. The Lion King and Aladdin are at the top of my list for best soundtracks of the Disney movie era. And now I must get back to beating Daisy at "13" to practice for our P.e. SSR games tomorrow...

Wow, I'm exhausted. Thank God for modified days and 8 minute abs. G'night

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ugh, I forgot how draining volleyball is. Everything is sore and I feel like I can sleep for days. Talk about out of shape!

Ocean's Eleven was on tonight and it rekindled my love for Brad Pitt and George Clooney. I know its stereotypical, but they are just gorgeous. Some people just age so well. And Casey Affleck! I think I'm just a sucker for curly hair. It always gets me

Oscars tomorrow! I know, I'm an old lady. The only other person I know who watches award shows and is excited about them is Justine. But there's just something about them that makes me watch it for hours. It's kind of an obsession. I think I like clothes a little too much...

Friday, February 20, 2009


"Whenever I'm sad, I just stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story."

I think I like this show a little too much

Thursday, February 19, 2009


"So should I just keep on chasing pavements?" -Adele

Dinner with the family tonight. I believe the last time my family went over to eat dinner with my grandma was last year, its been awhile. I know I'm complaining now, but I know I'll appreciate it soon. Too bad my grandma just laughs at me whenever I talk to her. Apparently my Vietnamese sucks and I don't hold my chopsticks correctly. Oh well, at least I get her to laugh!

I'm craving for Alerto's nachos right now but my mom is being her momself and won't let me get them because they're "no good for me." HA! How can Alerto's nachos be bad for you? Protein (beef), dairy (cheese), fruit (tomatos, guacamole), carbs (chips), its the entire food pyramid right there!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Community Channel

Barnes and Nobles has been my very best friend for the past 3 days

(I don't know if anyone watches Communitychannel on Youtube, but it's hilarious!)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Justine!

Today I met a girl named Sophie. Sounds innocent enough, until I found out she can speak Vietnamese, Italian, and English. And she's 7. And what can I do? I can make pancakes and rollerblade. Time to hit the library and get myself some of those foreign language tapes

Stupid book ruled out all my favorite foods! Do they seriously think that I'm actually gonna stop eating Barbacoa Fajita burritos at Chipotle? What kind of people are they?!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Princess Bride

When I get lazy and don't actually feel like typing, I tend to put up a picture of a guy I find handsome. And Robert Buckley is quite handsomeOne of the very very few pictures I could find with his shirt on! Google Robert Buckley and you'll see what I mean

You're so "ooo" you're so "ahhh" you're so cool

Alphabeat anyone? Thank you thank you thank you Thein and Khoung. For the past week, the only thing I've been listening to is Alphabeat's "10,000 Nights of Thunder." Over and over and over again. It just puts me in a such a great mood everytime I hear it. Fantastic!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Today was quite nice.

Hung out with Quynh and Tiffany and got to stare at Zac Efron trying to vent out all his frustration with the world. Spicy delicious salsa, running in the rain, eating my weight in Goldfish... Good times

Waltzed on over to Thien, Khoung, and An's house for some cousin bonding time. New music, mirror markers, SNL Digital Shorts, "Donde esta la bomba?", parking lot dances... Good times

Stater Bros (so many people from school work there!), Target (magazines are addicting), and finally Funfetti. I ended up making cupcakes and a big ol pan of cake. Cupcakes for Becky, Cake for the Phamily... Good times

Happy Birthday Becky!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

BBQ Sauce

The Grammys were actually quite good this year. I think I still liked last year's better, but some of the performances were amazing. Chris Martin and Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake and T.I., Taylor Swift, Sugarland and Adele, John Mayer...
Who knew I'd actually start liking country music? Maybe not the hardcore country stuff with the annoying whiney voices and whatnot, but a bit of banjo here and there doesn't hurt anyone!
Although I'm not always so crazy about Coldplay, the jackets they had on tonight were AMAZING! So fantastic, I loved it

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dakota Fanning is quite the actress

In-N-Out, The Gap, new flats, samples at Traders Joe's, The Secret Life of Bees, bike ride w/ Daisy, BBQ chicken pizza and Caesar salad, Penelope, Wedding Crashers, strawberry yogurt

Lazy Saturdays are always nice

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yes!! Lakers beat the Celtics in overtime!
YESS!! I got an A in Chemistry!
Let's celebrate!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh boy

I couldn't help myself, Milo Ventimiglia looks so dapper


Oh dear, my memory is terrible

High school: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... Mr. Charles Dickens got that line down perfectly. It's depressing how much people change in the course of 4 years. Sure, some for the better, but more often times for the worst. After a short discussion in the car after the ever popular "Friend" Auction, I feel like I'm losing touch with friends who were once so close to me. Actually, I know I'm losing touch with them, and somethine has to be done. If its going to take some work, so be it.

The Count of Monte Cristo is INCREDIBLE. The best book I've read in awhile

And Summer: you, me, Tiffany, LA, pronto! Ahh, if only I could drive...

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Ahhh, SO CLOSE! Cardinals almost had it, but it was a good game, nonetheless. Lots of clapping, screaming at the TV, and high-fiving was done (along with a rousing game of hide-and-seek). Why do the adults say I'm too old for hide-and-seek? Can you be too old? This is madness!


Jennifer Hudson and her vocal chords are amazing! Now let's gear up with a bag of BBQ chips and watch the Superbowl....

and try to study Euro during the commercial break

(Aww, that's okay Federer, you'll get it next time)
Nadal looks like a warrior

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.