Monday, February 9, 2009


Today was quite nice.

Hung out with Quynh and Tiffany and got to stare at Zac Efron trying to vent out all his frustration with the world. Spicy delicious salsa, running in the rain, eating my weight in Goldfish... Good times

Waltzed on over to Thien, Khoung, and An's house for some cousin bonding time. New music, mirror markers, SNL Digital Shorts, "Donde esta la bomba?", parking lot dances... Good times

Stater Bros (so many people from school work there!), Target (magazines are addicting), and finally Funfetti. I ended up making cupcakes and a big ol pan of cake. Cupcakes for Becky, Cake for the Phamily... Good times

Happy Birthday Becky!

1 comment:

beckyphan(: said...


i never knew you had a blogg.

and that you wished me happy birthday on it!

wowww. i guess i'm famous now.thank you(:

still looking forward to our make-up birthday in the summer(:

About Me

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.