Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk

Surprisingly enough, I actually had a good time at the Hurley Walk the Walk show. Even though the line was ridiculously long, I didn't get my free shirt, it was so loud my insides were pounding, and it was so claustrophobic it was hard to breathe, it was interesting. And quite a number of celebrities! Bar Rafaeli, Taboo (from the Black Eyed Peas), Benji and Joel Madden, Robert Buckley (!!!), and Bob Hurley and his son, whatshisname. Maybe not the best seat in the house, but it was cool to stare at the back of their heads. And I envy all those tall folks out there. I had this feeling that I was shrinking and everyone was just getting taller and taller. But FVHS did win $5,000 bucks and the contest, so that was pretty nifty. This wasn't this year's poster, but it looks cool anyways!

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A 20 year old cookie enthusiast who revels in frugalness and happens to be allergic to cats.