Just 2 pictures I stole from Thein from the AZ trip. Hopefully I can steal some more and post them up, but I'm too lazy to be in the robbing mood.
Today was family day. Just mom, dad, Mary, Daisy, and I hanging out. It was actually pretty fun. We decided to play the tourist card and booked it on over to good ol LA for some sightseeing and shopping. Drove to The Grove and got lunch at the Farmer's Market. Delicious (but pricey). Then we took the "tram" to the other side of The Grove which was kinda pointless because I could run faster than that train, but it was still nice. I ended up sitting to some folks with British accents and I enjoyed listening to whatever they were saying, just for kicks. Man, accents are so cool. After our slow train ride, we checked out some stores and I ended up helping my mom pick out clothes. I love helping people with clothes! It gives me such a joy...kinda sad! THEN we went to the American Doll place. For anyone who hasn't been there, I'll just say this: It's quite an experience. Little girls and their doting parents spending hundreds of dollars buying dolls, strollers, clothes, having tea parties in the cafe, waiting in line so their dolls can get a haircut.... It's insane, but so so intriguing.

Next we headed off to the Kodak Theater and such. I felt like such a tourist even though I've been there 4 or 5 times already. It's actually pretty cool, there's so much going on and so much history. People watching is also pretty interesting. We took a tour inside the theater and its actually not as big as it looks on TV. Still epic though.

Then it was off to the Griffith Observatory. It has such amazing views. Even though it was windy, freezing, and I forgot to bring my chapstick, it was still beautiful. It also has this enormous planetarium that is comfy and has amazing graphics. It was kinda weird though, because the lady doing the commentary for the show had the smae voice as those people on kost 103.5. You know, those voices that are very smooth and creamy and you feel like they're going to hypnotize you and take over the world. One of those voices.
We finished off w/ dinner at In-N-Out. Man, this has turned out to be the most fattening Easter break ever. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting how much food I've consumed over the past few days. Oh well, 8 minute abs and some Billy Blank Bootcamp should do the trick!
1 comment:
HAHAHAH. me too(:
can't wait for p.e.
and shopping with you more often so you can pick out my clothes.
i tried calling your house so you could maybe go shopping with us but i couldn't reach you. i hope i didn't leave a weird voice message.
much to talk about when we get back(:
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